Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The day has arrived...

Tomorrow is the big day. Things will be even more final. Big changes. Pretty much throwing the parachute out the window of the plane. Oh man. When the dust settles, I'll be sure to update you - fill you in on our littleBIGnews.

In other breaking news, Steve and I have joined Yep. Because we are done having babies now and therefore we are now going to embark on a lovely little journey to rid ourselves of the baby weight. We are on day three of the ever-enjoyable plan - exercising and eating reduced calorie diets... Tracy Anderson has this "method" and is sharing it with us in her post-pregnancy workout. You may think its silly that Steve would do this workout with me as its a post-pregnancy workout - but a) I need a partner so I will be motivated and b) it kicks his butt just as much as it kicks mine. At any rate, things are going well. And then tonight, the chocolate cravings kicked in. I am a chocolate girl. It is my coffee for all of you coffee addicts. After a meal at least one bite is required. And I haven't had any for 3 days. So tonight we looked up the nutritional information for oreos. Steve felt my duress and went to the store to buy a package of them (double stuff!) for us. We promptly added 2 oreos to our day's intake and more exercise to match. I'll do another 15 minutes of that crazy tracy and her blasted "method" for chocolate any day.  A perfect world involves me getting back into my pre-baby jeans AND eating chocolate.

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