Josiah was so excited to see "ER-CA" and Josh again - he talks about them all the time (and is very proud to know their names).
Steve and I hogged baby Buckle a bit - he cashed in on the fact that I have a bum arm - so he got her way more! She is growing like a weed- these kids sure have that growing thing figured out!
Hey! It's out of the box! Then Ava had to run away, dragging the vacuum around the island while Josiah yelled vacuum and tried to steal it. We love learning how to share!
I don't have any pictures of the big event - the traditional Pictionary game. It's always a bloodbath, down to the wire. LOVE to play these games! And there were some amazing drawings - like the "zit face road" (dirt road) and the "valentine" (meow). Game time is serious stuff. We discussed the possibility of a wooden spoon collection for our next gathering - spoons is a great game except for pregnant people. When you are pregnant, you seem to the a big target for spoons. (thanks erik)