Tuesday, August 21, 2012

My Diva-girl turned three!

I cannot believe how fast the time has gone - that my teeny tiny girl is now three! Eden-girl, you are a whirlwind, and a big lump catches in my throat when I stop to think that through. I know I've said it a hundred times - a thousand even - but you are amazing. Your very life a daily reminder of God's amazing blessings in my life.

At age three, you know all of your letters, you can count to 25, you know all of your colors and shapes. You dress yourself and are totally done with diapers - I thought the day would never come for your stubborn little self, but you decided to do it and never looked back! You show your independent spirit by choosing to do everything yourself - getting into your car seat, buckling your shoes, getting your dishes, etc. 

There is a very soft side of you, sweet girl, and your emotions are on your sleeve. You are quick to make us very aware if your feelings are hurt or if things didn't go your way. I don't want to squash this side of you though - as much as I long for you to be able to use words to talk about your feelings, this emotional, soft part of you is a good balance for your passionate spirit. I think you'll figure out the balance one day :)

Right now you are all about being fancy. You love to wear purple and pink and ruffles and bows and all things fancy. You HAVE to have your fancy shoes. They are bright red with bows on them, scuffed toes and all. We bought new shoes for preschool and of course, you fell in love with the Twinkle Toes - and are now enjoying modeling them for us around the house as you impatiently wait to wear them to school. I love this part of you. I love that you have such a free and fancy attitude - and I will never stop you from choosing your own outfits. If you choose to wear a tutu to school, then so be it. If you want a fancy braid in your hair, I'll happily do that for you. Never let anyone squelch your sense of fun and your love of life. You get SO excited - lifting your hands in the air and waving them all around when you have something fun to share or see something fancy. Never stop finding things to wave your hands about!

Oh my goodness, Eden-girl, you are about to start preschool! Can you even believe it? I know you are so excited, with your new shoes and Fancy Nancy backpack. For your mama its hard to believe that day is here! I am so thrilled for you to take this next step. You are definitely ready! I just can't fathom the fact that you are already old enough for this! You are excited to meet new friends, and to have your own teacher and school to talk to your brother about. I pray you'll be brave and that you will love school. You have a love of learning just like your brother - hang on to that! 

Can you believe you've only been talking for a year and here you are singing songs and making up rhymes? Look back at how far you've come, and be proud. We just had you down to see your NICU doctors - and of course, you blew them away, flying through every evaluation they threw at you. Other than a couple of tiny scars and your teeny, peanut size, there is nothing about you that separates you from any baby born healthy. You are a healthy, happy kid - let's never stop praising God for that, okay? 

And oh, my sweet girl, you are starting to talk about your sister and about how she died. This breaks my heart, but I am so, SO glad that you are asking these questions and that we can talk about Hannah. That you know that she was in my belly with you and that you love her and that she is in Heaven. Such big things for a three year old to understand! I pray that you will continue to have a passion to praise your Jesus, that you will come to know Him as your own SO soon, and oh, what a reunion you will have with your sweet sister in Heaven!

Eden-girl, I love you so. I love crawling into your tiny bed at night and singing Somewhere Over the Rainbow with you, just like I did all those days rocking you in the NICU nursery. I love holding your hands as we go on a hike. I love watching you bounce as you run, and feed the zoo animals in your tutu. I love your passionate nature and your sensitive soul. I love your dramatic flair - everything is over the top with you. 
You are always and forever my little Eden-girl.
love, mama