It turns out that being pregnant with twins is totally different than being pregnant with one baby. Go figure. Fascinating and horrifying all at once.
For starters, I'm roughly the size that I was at 25-28 weeks last time around - and I'm just finishing week 15. All of those fun things that nag at you like crazy in the last months of pregnancy start much earlier - the sore lower back, the tired, over-stretched muscles, tossing and turning all night, the waddle, the belly button popping out... Crazy. I'm blaming it all on the fact that I'm having twins plus its the second time around so things are already stretched - ignoring the fact that I started this round a wee (ha) bit bigger than I was when I started round one. Round one had me in a string bikini for the first 3 months - what in the world?
Its rather interesting to watch how people react to you confirming that you are expecting more than one baby. Yesterday an employee said "What are you going to do with that?! You'll need so much help!". Such reassuring words! A co-manager made this comment two weeks ago: "You know, I hate to be personal about it, but with as big as you are this early - wow, I can't imagine how huge you are going to be!" So encouraging. Lots of people are excited of course, and they jump right into name suggestions. Will you do matching names? Names with the same letter? Names that rhyme? Can we make a game about it for employees to play?
We ended up in the hospital last Wednesday with a scare - they checked us out, put us on bedrest for 5 days and then re-checked this past Monday. Everything had settled for the most part. I tore a ligament - a wee bit painful. They said to expect more of that due to where the babies are located. The doctor peeked at the between-the-legs parts and we got a confirmation on one of them, but the other was questionable due to crossing the legs (again). We go in again on Monday so we'll see if we can get a better glance. It seems like once you know the sex you can just get started. For me it makes it seem so much more real for whatever reason - and I can start planning and all of that fun.
I'm researching cloth diapering systems and make-your-own baby food methods. Though my main reasoning is selfish - I need to save money - its nice that it will also be benefiting the environment. People think I'm doing it to be all eco-conscious, but I can't really say that was what prompted me to do it. I'm still up in the air about the milk business. That whole "Josiah slept through the night at 7 weeks" reminder keeps bouncing around in the head. Especially with two of them now, I will need them to sleep all the way through as early as possible! But on the flip side - a HUGE $$ savings. We'll see.
At any rate, today I had a quiet night to myself and wanted to rant just a tiny bit :) I swear I'll try to limit it to stories about the kiddos and pictures in the future :)
Friday, June 12, 2009
Thursday, June 4, 2009
It seems we're always playing catch-up!
So here we go again! It turns out that being on bed rest is boring. When you are stuck on the couch for several days, you run out of things to do. I finished the last season of the Gilmore Girls last night - and now am devastated to find that while I had entertainment in watching that yesterday - today I am stuck with whats actually on TV - which is NOTHING during the day. Also, there are only so many things you can search for/research/look at online. My ideas are running slim. The book I am currently reading, while fascinating, hasn't been able to pull me in during this couch period. So hey - we'll take a crack at updating this blog (getting rid of the holiday background!). I'm also thinking I might just have to tackle that photo project - finally ordering prints of all of those digital pictures we've taken in the past year. Yeah - they tend to pile up between print orders.
So lets bring this up to speed. Currently, I am incubating the next additions to our family - twins - who should be making their debut this fall. Totally scary and exciting and exhausting and crazy all at once. Twins do not run in my family, and while we were getting "help" in this area and knew it was a 'risk', I don't think either of us expected it. But they are in there, cooking away and are now looking like people instead of those goofy alien-like creatures they start out like. Having two babies tumbling around in your belly is much different than one - a rather fascinating/odd experience. I can't wait until you can see them kicking through the belly. That should be quite entertaining.
Josiah turned three back in March - and continues to amaze us every day. He's so smart and also so cunning. He is now working on tricking us, learning to lie, bargain, negotiate and talk back. Its such a great age though - even with all of these new skills. He tells jokes, makes up stories, makes us laugh constantly and is always on the run. We recently got him a powerwheels 'Hummer' (cheap, at a garage sale). This has been hilarious to watch. The first night when he got on it, it was still in need of a little tinkering - it was stuck in high gear. He sat down, buckled up and hit the gas - and freaked himself out by how fast he took off. Then Steve, who was going to walk alongiside him, had to take off running because the thing was going too fast for a leisurely stroll. It was highly entertaining to watch. I'll get a video posted one of these days.
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