Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Whoa, we have a blog
Adventures in raking

Monday, October 13, 2008
Getting lost in the maze...

These two are the best of friends, and pretty much betrothed to be married....I think this would make a nice invite.
Monday, June 30, 2008
I'm going to the zoon Mommy!
At any rate, we took a ton of pictures and had a wonderful afternoon at the zoon. I can't get him to drop the "N". Two bummers - Josiah is going through a phase where he is afraid of loud noises. In the aquatic area, there is a water feature (where you can touch the starfish) that drops a zillion gallons of water every couple of minutes. He cried and clutched me so hard I had bruises. Secondly, the arena for the dolphin show is incredibly small. You had to wait for more than an hour to get a spot - and they don't have enough shows for everyone to get a chance. So no dolphin show. A bigger bummer is that there is no way to view the dolphins other than the show - so that was unfortunate.
We learned a few lessons for next time, but will definitely be back. On a random Tuesday morning with a bag of ice water packed.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Catching up a tiny bit...
Another "ribbit"
This is Josiah sharing the wonderful pink cake that I made to celebrate AudrieAnne's first birthday. It was a great cake - and quickly devoured by all of the kiddos. Grandma was thrilled to have these "sticky hands!" in her lap. The house sure fills up with all of the kids and all of the running, and oh, the running. It is exhausting to keep up with them all!!
Josiah talked about going fishing with papa all weekend long. He was so excited to catch a big shark. He did NOT want to catch a fish - "NO mommy. I catch a big SHARK!". Then we go home for opening fishing weekend and guess what - Fergus Falls was still having winter! So here he is, turning his fingers into popsicles catching the fake fish because it wasn't even worth putting bait on. He was thrilled though and totally enjoyed catching the red fish over and over again until we had to drag him in because it was too cold. Then it snowed. Meanwhile back in Rochester it was a balmy 65 degrees!
We are keeping so busy with this little man. He is an amazing kid and makes us stare in wonder at least once a day. We are keeping a journal for him of all the random things he does - adding notes here and there when things jump out at us. Its comical to read through it and imagine him getting this earful when he grows up. Today I wrote three pages about him THROWING UP ON ME AT TARGET - and how this is not appropriate behavior.
He love to play, loves the parks, loves animals and worms. Find him a worm and he will carry it around for an hour (until it is completely torn to shreds and he needs you find him a replacement). He LOVES helicoptors - which we get to see a lot of here by the hospital. He shreaks with glee. He loves toast and would eat it for every meal.
Last week he got to be the chef at preschool. Steve and I got to go to have lunch with him - he had picked the meal and helped make it. Meatloaf - what?? We don't really have that at home, but the kid gobbles it down. It was adorable to see how excited he was to do this for us and his friends. I'll get those pictures up soon.
He has a whole dictionary in him. Today he told me he bounced on the teeter totter. He loved to say "o-noxious" when I told him that the book we read a million times a day (a look and find) is obnoxious. He likes to way "watch this" and do a trick of some kind. He is very tricky and will be the king of pranks from an early age. He reminds us at least 20 times each day that he is a big boy. You cannot call him anything else.
He has totally taken over.
Monday, April 14, 2008
I know, I know
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Here is a quick peek...
Monday, March 10, 2008
Privacy, please
Monday, March 3, 2008
The big event...
Monday, February 18, 2008
A fun visit in overdrive...
Josiah was so excited to see "ER-CA" and Josh again - he talks about them all the time (and is very proud to know their names).
Steve and I hogged baby Buckle a bit - he cashed in on the fact that I have a bum arm - so he got her way more! She is growing like a weed- these kids sure have that growing thing figured out!
Hey! It's out of the box! Then Ava had to run away, dragging the vacuum around the island while Josiah yelled vacuum and tried to steal it. We love learning how to share!
I don't have any pictures of the big event - the traditional Pictionary game. It's always a bloodbath, down to the wire. LOVE to play these games! And there were some amazing drawings - like the "zit face road" (dirt road) and the "valentine" (meow). Game time is serious stuff. We discussed the possibility of a wooden spoon collection for our next gathering - spoons is a great game except for pregnant people. When you are pregnant, you seem to the a big target for spoons. (thanks erik)
Thursday, February 14, 2008
I cannot believe its gone.