Monday, April 14, 2008

I know, I know

We haven't been keeping up, I know. Life is chaotic and sometimes, something has to be sacrificed - clearly in our case, this often ends up being internet time. Which I can't really complain about I suppose. We decided when Josiah was born that if he is awake, the tv and computer are going to be off - helps us keep our priorities in check :) (And also allows you to treasure that tiny bit of down time after he goes to sleep!)

At any rate, Josiah and I made brownies over the weekend - and I decided this was a good excuse to take a picture to post everywhere. So here is brownie face, clearly thrilled about this treat right before nap time.

Josiah continues to impress. He can count to 12! He has learned phrases to books now - most painfully Green Eggs and Ham - and it no longer works to skip a page. He also knows verses to his songs. So no singing them out of order!!

Last week I taught Josiah that there is a heart in his chest. Then I told him that Jesus lives in there. His response? "Jesus in there? Jesus in 'Siah's heart?" I said yes, that Jesus lives in Josiah's heart. He then said "David too!" "'Ke-us (Zacheus) too!". Try explaining to the child that no, not everyone lives in there - its only for Jesus (and mommy). So we got down to just the one occupant. That evening, I was showing off this new knowledge to Steve and after shouting that Jesus was in there, Josiah proudly stated "Moses in there too!". Oh brother.


stumbo fam said...

That is Great! He is getting soo big! I can't believe it!

Eric, Maralee, & Baby S said...

Mmm, brownies! I love the pictures! And what an awesome truth Josiah is beginning to understand. Isn't God good?!!