Friday, January 21, 2011

Looking Through a Glass Onion...

I find that for most posts, most things in life really, there is a Beatles song that fits the bill. (I am aware that most of the truly applicable ones are from the later, drug 'enhanced' albums, but so it goes).
I spent last weekend in the big *town* of NYC. I'll get to that in a separate post, because it deserves its own and this one is reserved for a rant all its own. At any rate, we spent the weekend exploring and taking in all of the *culture* (you'll see that in the other post) and suddenly I had this outrageous pain in my foot. Annoying, but whatever. I figured I'd sleep on it and it would be fine.
By the time I got to the airport - where they had to RUN me through to catch my plane - I was literally cursing every time my tiptoe hit the ground. So, clearly, I had sucked in a ton of culture, eh? ;) I have a pretty high pain tolerance. The one time I experienced heavy labor, I thought it was no big deal and went in  casually after taking my time to shower, etc. The one thing that brings me to my knees is kidney stones. That became my "10" on the pain scale. This blasted foot was seriously a 9+. What in the world?!
So, I happen to be a bit stubborn and I decided I didn't need to go to the doctor for this. I thought for sure it was something I just needed to rest and it would go away. Maybe walk it off, whatever. Today I finally caved and allowed my nagging mother to bring me in. (Disclaimer, my mother is not a nag, but nagged me about this foot all week. The downfall of living with your mother as a grown adult is she is still mothering! HA!) Alas! X-rays revealed a big 'ol fracture. What in the world? I couldn't stop choking on the foot in my mouth long enough to ask her how on earth that could have happened without me noticing an actual incident to cause it, but how crazy is that?!
I went in thinking I'd be sent home told to take some ibuprofen and ice it a bit. Instead, I have a boot. I am not allowed to put any pressure on it. And the kicker? Youth-sized crutches. No joke. She didn't size me for them or anything, just seemed to know how short I am. Nice touch. And it gets better - she said it can take 1-2 months for these things to heal (ie no walking on the blasted foot for the duration). Um, doc? This doesn't exactly fit into my schedule?
I left there with my mother, who was loving the glow of the "I told you so" moments, and all we could do was laugh. Right now, God? Seriously? You chose this time to let me have this experience? Do You want to have a little chit chat about the million other things I have going on right now and how there is NO room for this today? Because I would, God!
Lets review (for my sake, bear with me). I have three beautiful, free-spirited, highly energetic, independent thinking children. My only reason for partial sanity is that my mom is currently unemployed and is therefore home with me most days. In the past week, we have both been in tears due to frustrations with my eldest. This transition has turned him completely upside down and it is just heartbreaking to be dealing with this version of him - knowing that somewhere in there my sweet boy is stuck and confused and anxious and doesn't know how to talk about that and so acts out instead. He is bored and doesn't have days full of structure, etc. He is about to turn 5 and I am at the point where I feel like I need to get us back to the relationship we had prior to this move before I lose him forever and turn around and he is 15 and still acting out and refusing to talk to me. And I read this amazing book that had a character that had Aspberger's and oh, my mind went nuts. Oh, and my husband has serious ADHD and this recent stuff with Josiah is bringing every possible worst-case scenario to mind. UGH. Miss E shares so many of his awesome characteristics and then some. She is walking/running now and wow does that mean trouble - and also means we are constantly running to catch her from hurting herself/her sister/the dog/shutting off the washer mid-cycle/etc. And Miss D is a roly-poly smiling angel, trying to survive her two older siblings. She still needs to be walked/bounced occasionally.
Okay. So this has been a full-time job for two halfway able-bodied adults. Now I need to be resting and elevating my leg? In addition, I have been very good about getting to the Y at least 3 times each week - determined to get my body back. What in the world can I possibly do to lose weight now? It was already hard enough with this other crazy junk going on. I have to wear a swimsuit at some point. Bleh. I think that might be the most frustrating part - I can get help with the kids, but nobody can lose my weight but me.
God? I totally agree that I needed a lengthier vacation. I think missing the plane would have been a much better solution. Just sayin.

(rant over)

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I mulled over this comment for a little bit.. I realize that parenting advice from a childless and single 23 year old doesn't inspire a lot of confidence in people, so I usually make it a point to not hand it out outside of work.. So feel free to ignore this one.. But have you heard much about the nurtured heart approach? One of the trainings I've gone through this year that I actually found extremely helpful and have seen some awesome results with our kids that are "high-rollers" - like Josiah :) Anyway, if you ever did want any info on it, I can get the materials a bit cheaper through work, just let me know...... Hope your foot's feeling a bit better - put some stickers or something on that boot!