Right now, you are my adventurous one. You love danger. I swear you seek it out. You love jumping off the dock at the lake, sometimes not waiting until someone is ready to catch you. You love taking off in high gear in the power wheels. You love swinging "higher!". You love to find things at the playground that scare mommy and then do them. You summersault off the couch. You jump off your bed. You spin in circles until you can't walk straight - and then try to walk. You love Papa's go-cart. You LOVE swimming and you take your floatie out just past the line that makes mama uncomfortable before you kick your feet and turn yourself around laughing. You are so brave. Never lose your sense of wild adventure, baby girl.

Also, sweet Delia, you like to be naked. You drive your daddy nuts! You would love the world so much more if you could just run around in the buff day in and day out. Sometimes I just let you be in your undies - since you usually take your clothes off by yourself and get down to the undies anyway - and you just run. Yelling the whole way. You are thrilled to be naked. You like to pretend you need to rinse off so you can take off your swim suit and go in the water naked. You run around the house after a bath, refusing to put clothes on. Again, this cracks me up. Many pictures have been taken which you'll enjoy in the years to come, I'm sure :) Never let other people govern your choices about clothing or the way you look. While it is the law to have clothes on, keep your free spirit always Bedelia!
You are so concerned about everyone around you. While you still get rough sometimes and the biting hasn't totally stopped, you are the first one to try to comfort someone when they are upset. You have to know where everyone is at all times and will ask a hundred times until you are satisfied with the answer. You get right up in my face and ask "All better mommy? All Better?" after I say ow. And well, I think that might just be your preferred means of communication - you like to get right up in everyone's face. And every day you run through the list of people you know and ask me where they are. At least five times. I love your concern for others. Continue to love deeply those around you. Be there for them always.

I love you, sweet Delia Grace. I love how many times in the past year I have been struck by how fitting your name is for you. You are SO independent, so free-spirited and SO passionate, and stubbornly so - I find Grace to be the perfect middle name. I'm sure we will both need it often if you continue to be so much like your mommy in so many ways! I will pray that you continue to be brave and adventurous - that you take risks for Jesus. That you continue to love laughter and inspire it in others. That you continue to be care-free and unconcerned about judgement from others. And that you continue to show love, and do it fiercely. Oh, what a girl like you can do for your Jesus!
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