Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Not my baby anymore...

(I realize this post comes a couple of weeks early, but the schedule around his actual birthday might not allow - so I'm doing it while I can)

Ah, Josiah. My crazy sweet boy. You are not a baby anymore. When did that happen? Are you really about to turn seven? SEVEN? YIKES. I often tell you I want to put you in my shrink machine and make you a baby all over again. You were an amazing baby. I tell you that all the time (and you remind me of that too, often when your sisters are crying!). 

freshly born YOU.

first birthday - you loved your caterpillar cake!

As our first born child, you changed our lives forever. You were our first example of the miracles that God can do in a mama's tummy ;) Did you know that before you came along, doctors told your mama that I would never be able to have a baby? And then, in the middle of my masters program, YOU were there. In my belly. Boy, did you freak out a few doctors! Because you were so special, we got to have so many extra ultrasounds to sneak a peak at you. You are famous, little man, as those ultrasound photos are now used for education of sonographers at Mayo Clinic! (They should give you some royalties, eh?) Our doctor warned us that you might not make it. That my mommy-tummy wouldn't likely be able to carry you long enough. He said not to expect to carry you past 17 weeks. But you stayed. Then he said 23 weeks. And still you stayed. 27 weeks. 32 weeks. 36 weeks. Then your mama said GET OUT! He finally scheduled your arrival for 39 weeks. The team there was in awe. Even before birth, YOU were an example of what God can do.

second birthday - your very own cake!
THREE! My FAVORITE cake thus far.
You were an amazing baby. Instead of worrying about you not sleeping enough, we were worried that you slept too much! You LOVED sleep (thank you, Jesus!). You were a hilarious toddler. Always singing, saying funny things and so easy going. Now you have a wild personality, though you've kept your sense of humor. SO much energy! You are such a passionate spirit - either wildly loving something, or wildly detesting. We are definitely working on managing that passion a bit - talking a lot about self-control this year :)

FOUR (THIS cake makes me shiver.. Horrors)
Now you are in first grade. It is still so hard for me to believe how big you are. So far this school year, you have been through three sizes of pants! (I'll put it on your tab.) You keep checking to see how high up on me you can reach. Not too lofty of a goal, son, I'm not that big. But you can reach the top of my head with your gorilla arms. Uff. You are still a hilarious kid. You LOVE jokes and making us laugh. You have the BEST laugh. Daddy and I love to tickle you not only because you are so dang ticklish, but also just to hear that sound. You love legos (though not putting them away). You and your daddy could build contraptions all day. You also love crazy animal stuff - like watching scientists chase venomous snakes to extract venom, or watching people hunt gators. You claim you are going to do both when you grow up. (part of me hopes you change your mind!) You love Star Wars (which thrills your daddy's heart!), and playing wii or Xbox games. You love to help me bake (and eat batter or dough!) and do art and play games. And you know way more about any animal than I ever will. 

Fifth birthday - broke my heart that you didn't want cake!
(because all the other photos had your cakes)
You had a lot of firsts this year. You finally tried the big water slide at the water park! And you loved it. I think you are going to be a bit of a thrill seeker like me and your daddy - I can't wait to take you on your first roller coaster! You went tubing behind the boat this summer and wore your papa out because you couldn't get enough. You learned how to snorkel. You went on your first vacation without your mom and dad. You learned how to tie shoes. You learned how to whistle. You caught your first northern. You lost your first tooth! And then your second! You learned how to ice skate. And roller blade.

Six - you are HUGE!
And yet… you still let me hold you. You still let me kiss your head. You still hold my hand when we cross the street (you are starting to question this, but I'm not ready for you to let go!). You still want us to sing songs at night when we tuck you in. You still want to be around me, so much that you've tried to fake sick at school when you know I am home. You still like to play with your sisters. You still want to teach them things and make them laugh. And, we've come to an agreement that since you were my first, its okay for me to call you my baby. 

I love you, sweet boy. I'm so glad you were my first. I'm so thankful that God decided to surprise us with YOU. And about that shrinking machine…


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