Monday, September 27, 2010

And then came YOU.

Miss Eden (I have a feeling you will demand you be called this very soon),
You are a rather....interesting...child. Sometimes we call you our monster baby. I believe my dad called me this as a child, but it was for totally different reasons I am sure of that.
You have the most...unique...attitude. You want to be the boss at all times. You are fine playing on your own - until you aren't in the mood for that and then will scream if we set you down or turn our head the other way for a second. You do everything on your schedule and expect others to fall in line. I can see a little bit of Margaret in you (from Dennis the Menace!).
You sounds harsh, baby girl, but you are. You attack everything. When you crawl, your hands pound the floor so hard with each movement. When you play with your activity table, you don't merely push buttons, you beat on them. I'm surprised more of your toys haven't broken by now, to be quite frank. You attack food. You put everything into your mouth with mucho gusto. Or, on the flip side, spit it out with mucho gusto as well. You have more bruises in any given week than Josiah ever did before he turned 2. You think everything is a good thing to pull up on. You've tipped your piano and barn over on yourself more times than I can count - but you just keep playing as you lay there with it on top of you. You attack strings. Any kind of strings. One of your favorite toys, for sure. Strings on my sweatshirts, strings on shoes. Strings on my pants. Straps from your highchair, from your car seat. You yank on them and shake them like mad. You shove them in your mouth, of course, and then return to shaking them with all your might. You have chewed every beautiful edge off of your crib. Mommy and Daddy had a little talk when we were worried about you getting too much of that finish in your mouth!
You are exhausting. No sitting and playing for you. You are everywhere, constant motion, and trying to find trouble - I swear! So Mommy and Daddy are constantly chasing after you - closing doors, picking up anything from your path. Keeping you off of things, getting things out of your mouth. I can't sweep the floor enough times in one day for you!!
You are the most curious child! You have to check out everything, and are most curious about the very places we forbid you to go (of course!). The bathroom is highest on your hit list. You are bound and determined to make it all the way from the door to the garbage can on the other side of that little room without being spotted and swooped up. This feat has yet to be accomplished, but one of these days I'm sure you'll get us.
You are sweet. You have the most beautiful, redemptive smile out there. God blessed you (me) with this on purpose, I just know it. Your smile is infectious; your laughter contagious. Making you giggle is one of our favorite pastimes. Ah, but your favorite is your brother. Anything Josiah does is incredibly hilarious to you. The two of you will be great friends in the years to come.

You make me smile even in the worst moments. When the very thing you need is a nap, and yet I hear you jumping in your crib singing a song at the top of your lungs, it makes my heart melt. When its late you refuse sleep because you aren't feeling good (or just plain don't want to give in!), rocking with you is the most wonderful thing. I swear you remember me singing to you while you were still in the NICU. 'Somewhere Over the Rainbow' is still the one song that gets you to calm down.
You are so BIG! I'm not sure how that happened! How can you go from one pound to nearly 20 in the blink of an eye?! In the midst of the hardest moment, God is gracious to remind me that you are such a miraculous gift.

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