Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Oh no...

I missed a day! Maybe I'll do a double post to make up for it? ;) Its quite comical. Off and on throughout the day yesterday I was thinking "ooh, I need to get a post done!" and then a child would cry/poop/puke/fall and I would be distracted. Its amazing to me how spacey I act these days! Living my days with 24/7 distractions makes me appear rather ditsy. I'm not, I swear!

Yesterday, at the end of the day, I had to sit down with Josiah and try to tell him (in a way that a 4 year old would understand) that our life will not always be like this. That one day very soon, these babies will be a bit older and Mommy and Daddy won't be running around like chickens with our heads cut off. And we'll be able to do more fun things because they won't be needy all the time. Actually have fun with Josiah instead of him wanting to escape to his own world of legos.

Thats not to say that we don't hang out with him, we do. But I feel like its so not enough lately - or maybe it can never be enough, and maybe its also compounded by the fact that I see the girls all day but don't see him as much. Either way, we need more time with him. And frankly, babysitters are expensive when we do take him out by himself - and then I feel guilty for leaving his sister with a babysitter.

Truthfully, I feel kind of bad for Josiah. As the older sibling - and there is a 3.5 year gap between them - its a rough position. He plays way too rough to really play with Eden, and his toys are too small/choke-worthy for her to play with him. He wants to be a helper with his sisters - SO badly - but again, isn't gentle enough, but also thats just not what I want for him. I don't want his childhood to be spent caring for his siblings. I want him to be a kid!

But alas, right now things are hectic and it seems like Steve and I just play tag-team with the babies all the time and Josiah gets the raw end of the deal. Sounds like I need to plan an outing just for the big kids! That will be a nice break for me too (no offense girls!).

How do you balance your time? I wish there was a manual for this ;)

1 comment:

Vanessa said...

I'm just catching up on your blog now Tami, but I can so relate! I feel so bad for Zoelle as in the last year her life has completely changed with not one but two babies. I'm trying to figure out how to balance out a special mommy/Zoelle time as I think some days she struggles so badly with Chris and I giving all the attention to the babies. Again, not on purpose but that is just what happens. Sigh...I'll let you know when I figure it out and you do the same, ok? :)