Sunday, September 26, 2010

What I've learned from living with a four-year-old...

Disclaimer: My four-year-old may be different from yours. Also, despite the challenging points listed here, I love every piece of him.

Mine is ALWAYS right.
Mine will argue about anything if he gets the impression you are saying he isn't right. About anything.
Mine still needs naps but will assure you repeatedly that he doesn't. Meltdowns may ensue.
Mine truly thinks he is/should be the boss. About everything.
Mine has learned the art of complaining. "I don't like that soup" "That makes me puke" "I'm allergic, I swear".
Mine has learned the art of manipulation. "Mommy said I could do this" (when Mommy said no such thing). He will move on to the next parent/adult in the room immediately after one says no - right in front of you!
Mine has lost most of the baby features about him. It makes me sad when I notice this across the dinner table.
Mine is all boy. 500% boy. Wrestling. Ninja. Transformers. Star Wars. Dirt. Battling of any kind.
Mine is mischief. He doesn't know who knocked his sister down/peed on the floor/broke the toy, but surely it wasn't him.
Mine is a protector. Constantly checking on his sisters' whereabouts and making sure they are okay. 
Mine is sweet (yes, despite all characteristics listed above!). He says "I love you mommy/daddy" before leaving for his day. He still offers hugs and kisses freely. Still says he loves me more than dinosaurs or chocolate - or, my favorite, anything in this world. His prayers before bed make my heart melt, even when he prays for dinosaurs.
Mine is smart. The words that come out of his mouth are impressive. He's covered the basic addition, telling time and is figuring out reading.
Mine is brave. So many new things tackled this summer. Fears overcome. Growing up before my eyes.

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